Monday, 20 February 2017

Q3 EVALUATION: "What have you learned from your audience feedback?"

Q3 Media Evaluation from rhiannc

In a focus group we gained further TA feedback on our ancillary tasks, and the key findings were:

  • Only a limited few recognised that the genre was pop acoustic and majority thought it was "sad pop" or just "pop". This worried me at first I began to doubt my main product as the genre had not been clear. However, I then gained further knowledge and named some pop acoustic artists (e.g. Sam Smith, George Ezra and Ed Sheeran) and they all percieved that gene to be pop too, therefore I believe it is not due to my genre not being clear, but the lack of genre knowledge on my genre the general public has. 
  • Positive feedback we recieved was that the star image was very clear to the audience as 100% stated they recognised Ben as the star image.
  • More positive feedback is that everyone understands the narrative, one being "he is being cheated on but still loves her" and "it made me feel so bad for him".
  • In terms of editing techniques, i think they were successful as another comment stated "The abundance of shots at the end was overhelming but in a really god way. I loved seeing their memories".
  • Locations we used got generally good feedback, with majority having a strong like for the Humber Bridge shots. However there was slightly more negative feedback towards the sofa, and upon reflection I would not change the location for the shot as I feel the indoor and outdoor shows a good variety and different aspects of their relationship.
  • The TA found the most effective shot to be of the close up of Ben crying, I feel this is due to the emotions it makes the audience feel and how it connects the viewer to the narrative. 
  • In terms of synergy, 100% responded positively and stated Ben Austin had a clear brand identity through his fonts and colours, that would be recognisable in the future and make the TA want to purchase his future products.

TA research has been useful and a good step to use throughout in order to guide and influence my creativity throughout this process. Therefore, as mentioned in the power point is that it is vital for TA feedback to be gained frequently throughout the process. 


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  3. An excellent Level 4 post Rhiann. Well done.
