The mise en scene in this scene shows an attractive women, with glam hair and make up, walking up to a mirror and putting earring in. From the scene of the long walk in wardrobe and the huge amount of storage for the clothes it would suggest they are wealthy. I am saying they as there is mens clothes hung up on each side. I like how she is centred of frame.
The next mise en scene has more natural lightings and is in a bathroom and not a wardrobe and has lots of marble and suggests she is wealthy too. The jewellery suggests she is getting ready to go out too. All the characters are centre of frame in the first half of this music video.

This shot matches the lyrics as it is about "wearing make up". This shot is different to the first two as she is not as wealthy and the mise en scene shows her to be in a graffiti location with people in the background, and she is using a public mirror to apply her lipstick. Her make up is a lot less gentle than the first two and contrasts. She is younger than the first two. The lighting contrasts greatly.

This shot shows the mise en scene for a boxing ring and training, and her outfit shows her to be very strong and less feminine and more sporty and shows she is a strong individual. The man behind her shows it is a stereotypical male location but tis female is very strong.

The mise en scene in this shot shows a young adult or late teen who is body conscious, this is very common in young females. This is a stereotypical young women rooms as the mess on the left of frame on the chair, and the fairly lights is stereotypical of young females to have in their room.

This shot shows a lady who is on her way out and looks agitated at how she looks and is not comfortable in her own skin. The make up is a lot heavier showing she is a westernised young woman.
The mise en scene in this shot is colourful and bright and is emphasising that people from all cultures have these problems and even those that aren't as westernised and dress traditionally still have thee insecurities. The natural at leaves in the background compared to some of the technology in the previous shots show the contrast.
This mise en scene has a lot of natural lighting, which I think emphasises how her natural skin condition causes her to have further insecurities and how she can only sort her hair and still be stereotypically girly.
The mise en scene shows females with a passion for dancing and have strong athletic bodies, with the natural lighting the mise en scene showing the dance studio and the open windows and large mirrors.

The mise en scene shows how she is natural with the greenery behind her and her bold lipstick and short hair show she is an individual and has the confidence in what she wants to do.

The mise en scene in this shot shows a family home, and with her child coming behind her shows how much responsibility this individual has. The costume shows that she is intelligent and is a strong woman.
This links to Rayners theory of presenting the real world, as being a single mother is common in our society.
The mise en scene in this shot shows grand manor house, with the expensive good quality curtains, the large mirror and windows. The costume shows clearly it is her wedding day and she is wearing the traditional colour and veil.
Williamson representations being modern and traditional, can be shown here as this is a traditionally British bride, and is shown in a manor house, and looks like the stereotypical British bride.
Williamsons, cultural signifier contrasts in the next shot as it is a young girl with an Asian ethnicity in modern society, getting her ears pierced. I think it is very interesting how they have put this shot one after another.
The mise en scene in this shot shows a young girl assuming in a piercing parlour looking anxious to get her ears pierced which is stereotypical thing for females to do when they are about that age.
This shots mise en scene then shows a girl in a dentist and can tell its a dentist by the costume of the man on the left and the white gloves with the light showing on to the child shows its a dentist, this is also something that a lo of young girls go through.
This mise en scene in this shot shows she is in a changing room with lots of outfits and staring into the mirror trying to find something that suits her. Her red lipstick and tattoos shows she is a westernised young female.
The mise en scene in this shot shows an older woman in her bedroom, with stereo typically lots of fragrances in front of the camera. The photos on her bedroom wall also shows how the older generation still prefer print outs.
This shot shows a younger girl in her bedroom, the mie en scene of her bow and the childish wall paper and the stuffed toys and teddies on her bed show young she is.

This shot shows a young girl looking into a mirror in a home hallway, this girl has a disability and her bag shows she is on her way to school and her face shows she is anxious so suggests it may be her first day.
This shot and the mise en scene shows a girl who has been drinking at a house party and is coming to the bathroom to escape, her dress is slightly revealing and her lipstick is bright showing she is modern and westernised.
The mise en scene is a city shot, possibly New York, and the female has managed to catch a glimpse of herself in a shop reflection. Her outfit shows she is butch a long with her short hair.

The mise en scene in this shot is a school girls locker and has books and sticky notes and the emotion shows this young girl is having a bad day in school and is close to tears.

The mise en scene in this shot shows a woman very sad and in her own world. It looks like they're driving in America from the bright sky and the palm trees. I like this shot for my video however would struggle to achieve it.
The mise en scene shows a different woman doing weights in what looks like a garden or a garage with a car parked out the front.
The mise en scene here shows a gym and a more traditional gym in face as has a wooden background and less technology based gym equipment.

The mise en scene in this shot shows a young female with paper in her hand perhaps trying to prepare for a job interview. Her basic kitchen shows she doesn't have a lot of money and has to work hard for what she has.
This shot is the cover shot for the music video, and this character strips off from all her make up. It is hard to tell where this character is or what shes doing because there is very little hints to the location in the shot.
The mise en scene in this shot has a very strong Christmas theme from the Christmas tree, and the tray of champagne glasses on the side, this has strong Christmas spirit from the mise en scene.
This research has taught me:
To have props of intertextuality, for example an iconic high school musical poster to add to the set design, I will use mainly natural lighting as that is a convention of my genre.
A super Level 4 analysis of shot types and mise en scene. You need the list at the bottom under the heading: How this research has influenced planning & creativity. You need this so you can draw conclusions.