Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Research: Group Post - Institutions - Youtube

Research- Institutions: YouTube

YouTube is a free video sharing website that lets people upload, view, and share videos. Videos can be rated with a like or dislike, this aids artists in not only fans consumption of their media but also the more important fact of whether they liked it or not. Videos can also be commented on which allows fans to discuss the media text with other people and also perhaps communicate their specific views with the artist. The number of times a video has been watched (known as "views") is also put on the site.This service is global and completely free therefore allowing artists to make their music widely available. 
YouTube creates an extremely personalized experience. It creates a playlist of music based on songs or artists that it notices you are interested in. This can be played at any time, wherever you wish, for free. Consequently YouTube can target each individual of their audience very specifically. 

The site also displays recommended videos  based on your current viewings.
 The site also allows watchers to share the videos with friends to further expand their viewership.
 The most popular videos can also be viewed, this allows YouTube to further expand on high amounts of viewers.

You can also play chart music for free, this makes music much more accessible to people who do not have the funds to be purchasing songs on ITunes. Companies pay YouTube to have their ads featured on the more popular videos therefore if YouTube expands their viewership they will profit. Including chart music which is generally popular with most is a successful way to do so.
YouTube also enables users to further personalize their own playlists by adding an array of songs to them.

These statistics show the videos that are more Female dominated. These statistics show that Pop music is more popular with Females than Males. This may suggest that our music video should appeal more to females.

These statistics show the most male dominated YouTube categories.  There are no music related categories.

 YouTube viewers are mostly 25-34. This is one of our target audience group.

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