Thursday, 10 November 2016

Research; DIGIPAK & tour dates - James Arthur

The two pictures either side were James Arthurs first digipak after becoming an artist and winning the X factor, and that is shown in the bottom corner, along with the charity the donations go with.

His whole look is very clear in the medium shot of James, showing his tattoos and his style which make him more memorable as an upcoming artist.

This is the third digipak James Arthur released, and his tattoos are still noticeable, however his name is not as big as it was before as he is becoming his own individual artist now and people can already identify him.

He is following conventions and is looking directly into camera.

The institutional details of Sony which own pretty much everything in the music business are on the CD cover.

It is interesting to note, as we are creating a tour dates poster for our artist too, that James Arthurs first tour date poster was very dark, and as an upcoming artist, it is breaking conventions to not look into the camera and have a clear image of his face.

There is a range of font sizes in both tour dates posters, with contact institutional details - with websites - emails and numbers. Then in the second there is social media added.

However it is also interesting to note that his tour two years later is much lighter, and has huge synergy and is practically the same image as the digipak. They've followed conventions and had a picture of the front cover of the digipak, using the sell line of 'out now'.

The font style has remained the same, and the alignment of the texts have also remained the same with the text being towards the right. The font is bold and all capitals.

James Arthur is following conventions in two out of three of these images as he is looking into the camera, the writing is on the write of frame in both of his tour date posters and has very small kerning and doesn't use any drop capitals.

I was unable to find a digipak poster so therefore had to use tour posters.

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